S. D. Smith and his son, J. C. Smith, are releasing a new book called Jack Zulu and the Waylander’s Key.

We need your help to get the word out!

How You Can Help

  • Share this book with your audience on social media and your newsletter!
  • Invite Sam (& J. C. if you like) onto your podcast or an IG Live!


OCTOBER 4: Preorders begin on October 4, so please share that day or after! (Pro tip: set a reminder now to share on that day.)

From the creator of the million-plus selling Green Ember series comes a brand new story with an old soul—the can’t-miss first adventure in a thrilling new series.

S. D. Smith wrote the The Green Ember Series for his children.
Now he’s writing his next series with one of them. 

Sixteen year old J. C. Smith teams up with his father for this fantastic adventure. 


Jack Zulu and the Waylander’s Key is an enchanting adventure in the tradition of Tolkien and Lewis, as well as Spielberg and Lucas. But this fantastical journey launches in rural West Virginia in the eighties, with a half-Appalachian, half-African kid trying to escape the town he sees defining his small, sad life. Jack discovers a gate hiding a city between twelve realms, and finds out where he truly belongs in a surprising, satisfying adventure.


Available in Paperback, Audiobook, and Ebook
Pages: 304
Pre-order Launch: October 4
Officially Releases: November 15
Publisher: Story Warren
Contact: Andrew Mackay, Publisher –

“After writing ten Green Ember novels—a story that started out as adventures I told my kids—I also found my next series very close to home. My co-author was close to my heart and right under my roof. My son, J. C. Smith, is the perfect partner for me in this exciting series.”

—S. D. Smith

S. D. SMITH is the bestselling author of The Green Ember Series and a popular speaker. Sam enjoys walks, soccer, reading, church, chocolate-chip cookies, and family time. He lives in Grandview, West Virginia, with his wife and four children. 

J. C. SMITH is a sixteen-year old student, author, screenwriter, musician, and visual artist. When he’s not creating and collaborating on stories, Josiah enjoys soccer, music, and the study and practice of filmmaking. He lives in Grandview, West Virginia, with his parents and three siblings.

Author Interviews

S. D. “Sam” Smith and J. C. “Josiah” Smith will be doing interviews ahead of the release of Jack Zulu. Depending on schedule, the Smiths are available for some interviews together, or Sam can also appear solo. 

Possible Topics

Sam and Josiah can talk about whatever interests you, but these are some ideas. 

  • Sam: How Do You Follow a Hit Like The Green Ember?
  • Sam and Josiah: How To Collaborate as a Teen and Dad
  • Sam and Josiah: Why and How of Stories
  • Sam and Josiah: How to Coach Creative Kids
  • Sam and Josiah: Father and Son Co-authors, Learning From Each Other
  • Sam: How Do I Take My Writing to the Next Level?
  • Sam: What’s Unique About Christians as Storytellers? 


“We already live in a fantasy world. The fact that we aren’t continually astonished and humbled is evidence that we are captured by an evil enchantment that must be broken. The best, most faithful stories help do that. They let us see Reality, by looking at something made-up for a few hours. Author Heidi Johnston says that stories that tell the truth about the world God made are “not an escape from reality, but an escape into reality.” She’s right. The Lord of the Rings books are an escape into Reality. Narnia is an escape into Reality. We hope this book, with its rural accent, is too.”

—S. D. Smith and J. C. Smith

“After writing ten Green Ember novels—a story that started out as adventures I told my kids—I also found my next series very close to home. My co-author was close to my heart and right under my roof. My son, J. C. Smith, is the perfect partner for me in this exciting series.”

—S. D. Smith

“I’m so thrilled to have my son as co-author on Jack Zulu and the Waylander’s Key. It’s the perfect follow-up to The Green Ember Series.”

—S. D. Smith 

“I think Green Ember fans are going to absolutely love this new adventure. It’s really different in lots of cool ways, but it has the same hopeful and faithful heart. It’s another dangerous story—dangerous to the darkness. I think parents will be happy to get this story into their kids’ hands and hearts, because stories like this make kids dangerous to the darkness.”

—S. D. Smith

“Fans of my books may think I let my son join me in a new fantasy world I created, but it’s really the opposite. J.C. invented this world, originally developing it as a TV show when he was thirteen. He kindly invited me to join him in adapting it as a novel together. And it’s been an awesome experience.”

—S. D. Smith

“I love co-writing with my son. He’s got amazing story instincts and incredible drive, but he pairs that with humility and generosity that makes working alongside him a pleasure. I’m super proud of him as a dad and, at the same time, I feel really blessed to get to work with such a talented co-author. It’s been a win-win.”

—S. D. Smith

“An element I brought to the story was the kid caught between Appalachia and Africa. I grew up in both places and both have a hold on my heart. I loved exploring a fictional kid with this unique blend of histories and how that kid would act when he finds a portal to another world.”

—S. D. Smith

“Jack Zulu is a kind of rural Chestertonian fantasy. It has all the adventure and action we’re keen for, but at its heart it’s about gratitude and wonder. The story has good bones, and virtue at its core.”

—S. D. Smith